Taking the step to get yourself or your child assessed is an important part of the process to help those with Learning Disabilities reach their full potential. LDANL is always willing to speak to individuals about the assessment process so please feel free to call the office for more information. With that in mind, we have included some information below on the assessment process.
In Newfoundland and Labrador, there are two main areas for assessment, within the K-12 School System and through private practice with a registered psychologist who is qualified to carry out comprehensive assessments.
K-12 School System
Assessments are carried out in the K-12 school system by qualified guidance counsellors and/or district educational psychologists. The first step in the process is to meet with your classroom teacher and/or guidance counsellor to discuss the referral process that may lead to the completion of the comprehensive assessment.
Private Practice
Individuals can seek to obtain assessments from private practice conducted by a psychologist who is qualified to carry out educational assessments. There is a fee associated with private assessments and we encourage individuals with health insurance to check whether their plan covers the assessment You can find an individual clinician through word of mouth and as well the Association of Psychology NL can help you locate someone in your area (http://www.apnl.ca/)
See below for a new document, Your Child’s Assessment – A Guide for Parents or open the link.